Menopause begins in the late 40s or early 50s, and can be a very frustrating time. Declining oestrogen levels can cause many unpleasant symptoms such as hot flushes, irritability and mood swings.
Hot flushes are the most common menopausal symptom. They can occur up to 10 times a day and result from blood vessel dilation. This causes profuse perspiration particularly around the face, neck, chest and back. Flushes that occur at night are called night sweats, and can cause frequent sleep disruptions which can lead to fatigue and mood changes.
Manage menopause naturally
Get control over your hot flushes and help make menopause more manageable with these 7 nutrition, lifestyle and mindfulness tips.
(1) Dietary factors are linked to hot flushes
(1) Dietary factors are linked to hot flushes
If your hot flushes seem to be worse after consuming the foods or beverages below, try eliminating them and see if your symptoms subside:
- Alcohol
- Caffeine
- Cayenne
- Other spicy foods
(2) Breathe easy
(2) Breathe easy
Deep breathing techniques like the ones used in yoga or tai chi can help shorten troublesome hot flushes. By regulating your breathing, you can help to activate your parasympathetic nervous system. This body system regulates your temperature, and can help induce a sense of calm. Practice deep breathing if you feel a flush coming on by:
- Focusing your mind
- Beginning begin slow, deep breaths
(3) Stay hydrated
(3) Stay hydrated
Drink at least 2 litres of water a day to keep you from overheating, and to replenish after a flush.
(4) Mind your minerals
(4) Mind your minerals
Frequent hot flushes and perspiration can cause a loss of important minerals. Magnesium is an essential mineral that is commonly lost through perspiration. Low Magnesium levels are linked to:
- muscle tension
- headaches
- high blood pressure
- poor sleep
- irritability
- mood changes
You can maintain your Magnesium levels by consuming a variety of foods, including:
- legumes
- dark green leafy vegetables such as kale, silver beet, spinach and bok cho
- almonds
- brazil nuts
(5) Flaxseeds for flushes
(5) Flaxseeds for flushes
Ground flaxseeds provide a good source of the Omega-3 fatty acid alpha-linolenic acid (ALA). This important nutrient may help to decrease hot flushes, and has the added benefit of supporting joint mobility and a clear complexion.
(6) Dress in layers
(6) Dress in layers
Layer your clothing so you can easily remove your outer layer to help minimise the perspiration and heat of a hot flush. It is also important to choose clothes that are made from natural fibres rather than synthetic fabrics that can make it difficult for your skin to breathe.
(7) Calm that cortisol!
(7) Calm that cortisol!
Cortisol is a hormone that your adrenal glands produce during stress. It helps to fuel your body’s energy levels so that you can ‘stay and fight’ or ‘run away’ from the stressor. After the stress has ended, your cortisol levels usually return to normal.During chronic stress, however, your cortisol levels can remain elevated. Over time, this can lead to:
- adrenal exhaustion
- fatigue
- low immunity
- inflammation
- mood changes
- heart trouble
A great way to keep your cortisol levels in balance is to practice mediation or other stress-reduction techniques. Meditation helps to still your mind and increase your sense of peace after a busy, stressful day.